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We accept Visa, Mastercard and American Express

Berry Street is a Tax Concession Charity, holding income tax exemption under Subdivision 50-B of the income Tax Assessment Act 1997, and is a Registered Charity with Consumer Affairs Victoria (Number 10925.12).

Donations of $2 or more to Berry Street are tax deductible in Australia.

A receipt will be emailed to you.

We may share information that we have received through your donation to trusted third parties such as our mailing house and our bank. We may collect, use and disclose this information for purposes to process and record donations, provide receipts, contact you about our activities, and to provide you with our newsletters, reports, invitations and requests for support. We may contact you via phone, mail, email, social media or text message.

If you wish to update how you receive communications from Berry Street (via mail, phone or email) please email us at or call 1800 237 797.

For full details, please refer to our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.